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Historical Commission


Monthly meetings are held at the Coryell County Main Street Annex Commissioners Courtroom, 800 E. Main Street, Suite A, Gatesville, every 2nd Wednesday monthly at 2:00 p.m.  (The building is located next door to the Extraco Bank on Main Street.)  Meetings are not held during the month of December.

The purpose of the Coryell County Historical Commission (CCHC) shall be to preserve, protect, and promote history within this county, and to that end shall:

  • Conduct continuous programs of historical marker recommendations and placements in accordance with the Texas Historical Commission’s requirements;
  • Make recommendations to the Coryell County Commissioners’ Court for property acquisition, real or personal, which is of historical significance;
  • Accept, whenever feasible, artifacts and other museum paraphernalia in the name of the CCHC or the Coryell County Commissioners;
  • Support, whenever possible, the programs of the Texas Historical Commission; and
  • Coordinate and support other local historical organizations and museums.

To view Notices of Public Meeting for the Coryell County Historical Commission, visit Public Notices.

Coryell County Historical Commission (CCHC)
P.O. Box 973
Gatesville, TX 76528
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